Monday, September 13, 2010


Neshoba County Forestry Association
A Chapter of
The Mississippi Forestry Association
The name of this organization shall be the Neshoba County Forestry Association, a County Chapter of the Mississippi Forestry Association.
The purpose of this Association shall be to serve as the "Voice of Forestry" in Neshoba County, and to conduct public affairs, communications, and educational programs that will foster better forest management and utilization as well as understanding of and appreciation for the forests and forest-based industries of Mississippi.
Specifically, the Association will work to coordinate and stimulate programs that will:
  1. Promote, develop and protect the forests and related natural resources in Mississippi for the best interest of this and future generations.
  2. Promote the use of all forest products grown, manufactured and distributed in Mississippi and domestic and foreign markets.
  3. maintain a political and economic climate in Mississippi and the U.S. that is conducive to the development and wise use of forest resources for the long range benefit of all; and
  4. Cooperate with allied associations, public agencies, universities and colleges in conducting programs beneficial to forestry, the forest products industry and all related natural resources in Mississippi.


Membership, Privileges and Dues

Section 1: Membership

Any person, firm, corporation, association or organization engaged in or untested in the ownership, production, consumption or conservation of timber and forest products in the State of Mississippi shall be eligible to membership in this County Association, in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors.

Section 2: Privileges

Each person, firm, corporation, association or organization duly qualified as a member shall be entitled to one vote each.

Section 3: Dues

The Board of Directors Shall determine the basis of county membership dues. Upon payment of Chapter dues, a member shall have access to all County Chapter privileges. However, these privileges are limited only to those benefits provided by the Chapter; it does not include those provided by the State Association. To receive these additional privileges, including receipt of State publications and attendance at State Meetings, an individual or entity must fill out a separate State Association membership Application and pay the additional annual membership dues to the State Association.


Board of Directors

Section 1:

The Board of Directors shall be composed of the Directors and Officers.

Section 2:

The term of the office of the Directors shall begin on January 1 and shall be for two years, with the terms of one-half of them expiring annually. Provided, however, that the incumbents heretofore elected at the date of adoption of these by-laws shall serve the terms for which they have been elected, and to adjust to the limitations and terms of office herein provided , the membership shall elect one-half of the Directors to serve for one year and one-half of the Directors to serve for two years at its first annual meeting. The term of office of Associate Directors shall be two years.

Section 3:

In the event of a vacancy in the Board, the Board shall appoint a member of the Association to serve for the unexpired term.

Section 4:

Directors shall include a cross section of the people interested in the forestry program of the whole county. Other directors shall be elected from each S.C.S District, with four additional directors to be appointed by the elected board. The purpose of the appointments will be to assure an adequate cross sectional representation of forest interests.

Section 5:

Associate Directors shall represent state, federal and civic and professional organizations dealing with or substantially interested in forestry. They shall be entitled to vote at meetings of the Board of Directors. This will include the County Forester, the County Extension Agent, the Chamber of Commerce Manager and the Industrial Development Chairperson.

Section 6:

The Board shall act upon all business of the Association arising between annual meetings.

Section 7:

The Board shall meet at least QUARTERLY and as often as it decides. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President as needed. In the case of special meetings, five days written notice of the time and place shall be given.

Section 8:

A majority of the BOARD shall constitute a QUORUM.

Section 9:

Each county affiliate will be charged a $100.00 per year affiliation fee. This fee will allow three officers of the county association to be members of the Mississippi Forestry Association. This fee allows the Neshoba County Forestry Association to be an affiliate of the Mississippi Forestry Association.

Section 10:

All Officers and Directors owning timberland or employed by an entity owning timberland shall be presently managing their lands consistent with Tree Farm standards.



Section 1:

The membership shall elect such officers as it feels necessary annually, to serve for a term of at least one calendar year, provided, however, that the elective officers shall always include a President, a Vice President, a Secretary-Treasurer, and the immediate Past President.

Section 2:

The term of office of the officers shall begin on January 1.

Section 3:

The Vice President shall become President at the expiration of his term of office as Vice President; and shall serve in this capacity for the following two calendar years, provided, however, that in the event of the inability or refusal of the incumbent Vice President to assume the Office of President, the President shall be elected by the Board.


President and Vice President

Section 1:

The President shall preside at all meeting of the Board. The President shall appoint the chairman of all committees and shall sign all contracts made for and in behalf of the Association.

Section 2:

The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President. He shall assist the President and shall act in his place in the event of sickness or inability of the President to perform the duties imposed upon him or incident to the office of President.

Section 3:

The Immediate Past President shall be considered an officer of the Association and shall serve as a member of the Board the year following his tenure as President.



Section 1:

It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to properly account for all receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer shall make annual reports to the membership showing the balance on hand and outstanding obligations. In addition, he shall, upon request of the Board, make special financial reports to the Board. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Association, have charge of and be responsible for the membership records and other books of account, give notice in writing of all annual and special meeting of the Association and its Board, keeping a permanent record of all the business conducted there-at. In addition, providing additional copies of all activities, including elections, By-Laws and Annual Reports to the Executive Vice President of the Mississippi Forestry Association within one month of completion.



Section 1:

The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held at the discretion of the Board. Notice of said meeting shall be given to the membership at least ONE MONTH prior to said meeting.

Section 2:

Special meetings may be called by action of the Board provided the membership is given five days written notice.

Section 3:

Twenty currently paid members constitute a quorum at any membership meeting.


Section 1:

Amendments to the By-Laws may be made by a two-thirds affirmative vote of all the members present at any annual meeting or at any special meeting called for that purpose, provided that written notice of such meeting shall include a copy of the proposed amendment.

Section 2:

The fiscal year shall be from January 1 through December 31.

Section 3:

Parliamentary proceedings shall be governed by Roberts' Rules of Order



Section 1:

The chairperson of the following standing committees shall be appointed by the President.

1. Forest Productivity

2. Membership

3. Communications and Education

4. Policy

Section 2:

Additional committees established as the Board or the President deems necessary or established by resolution or motion by the Association shall be appointed by the President unless otherwise directed.

Section 3:

The term of non-standing committees shall expire with the term of the appointing president unless another expiration is provided by establishing a resolution or a motion.


Chapter and State Relationships

Section 1:

Organization: A local chapter shall consist of a group of Mississippi Forestry Association members chartered by the MFA Board of Directors. Each chapter shall qualify as a tax exempt organization. No chapter shall use the name "Mississippi Forestry Association" without written authorization of the MFA Board of Directors.

Section 2:

In addition to dues, the members of each Chapter may assess themselves for any costs incurred in connection with the activities of the Chapter.

Section 3:

By-Laws: A chapter shall make by-laws for their governance not inconsistent with the by-laws of the Mississippi Forestry Association and shall fire their by-laws with the Executive Vice President of the Mississippi Forestry Association.

Section 4:

Reports: Each chapter organization shall file copies of its minutes and an annual report with the Executive V ice President of the Mississippi Forestry Association. Each chapter President or his accredited representative shall represent the chapter at all meeting of the MFA Board of Directors.

Section 5:

A chapter shall have the right to release through its officers, or a duly authorized spokesman, expressions of opinion, views, statements, or other public pronouncements on matters of interest to and affecting the welfare of the members of the chapter and the general public. Said public pronouncements shall not contain directly, indirectly, or by implication material at variance with the Constitution, By-Laws, or Policy Statements of the MISSISSIPPI FORESTRY ASSOCIATION. Copies of all releases shall be furnished to the Mississippi Forestry Association Executive Vice President at the time they are issued.

Section 6:

The Mississippi Forestry Association does not assume any responsibility for, not will it necessarily report, the action of any Chapter unless such action shall have first received the approval of the MFA Executive Board.

Section 7:

The Mississippi Forestry Association will not assume any liability for debts incurred by, or for for, the expenditures of any Chapter.

Section 8:

The MFA Executive Board shall have the right to rescind the Charter of any Chapter and thereby terminate its existence.

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